The word is out!

July 2008 By Linda Sandelman

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Welcome to the first issue of WALKER’S WORD our new newsletter.


Here we will include updates on our community events, profiles of our residents, interesting tidbits on entertaining, historic information, and input from our neighbors.  The committees will report on their activities and provide important information you will want to save for your records.  You are welcome to submit letters, observations, comments or recommendations as long as you include your name and address with all correspondence to the address at the bottom of this page.  If you would like to share a story or write a column our news letter please contact me.



Although we may get additional submissions, the current results are most interesting.  For instance 70% are year round residents90% Commented on the beautiful, friendly neighborhood, great location, wide canals, great shopping, and privacy. 100% Requested that we meet more than once a year. 57% Wanted meetings every 3 months, 28% wanted meetings every 6 months 70% Were interested in committee work, 42% In a walking club, 14% In a chess club, 42% Would like to play cards, 70% would like discounted theater tickets, 13% Are interested in discussion groups. 28% Would liked field trips, 25% Wanted Sunday musicals, and 60% liked laughing.  Block parties, boating raft-ups, boating trips and fishing adventures were also suggestions.  Ok so to show you we are listening Clubs like the ones suggested and more can be created using our Web Site by clicking on Clubs, there you will be able to sponsor a club or join a club and see what it's about and who's in it.



Storm season is coming and this is a perfect time to finish cleaning up your outdoor areas.  Piles of tiles, boards, boats and other items stored on your side or backyards can be a hazard during any storm.  Flying debris is harmful not only to your property but to those around as well.  Be a good neighbor and clean up.  Incidentally, the cleanup will enhance the beauty or your grounds and increase the property value for you and your neighbors.  Finish landscaping chores before storms are announced.  Pickup of branches, foliage and other garden waste will not be made after the storm warning has occurred.  We are also told by insect/rodent control that planting too close to the house invites trouble.  You should be able to walk between any plantings and your house (about 18 inches) and tree branches should not touch or over hang your roofs (this provides a nice bridge for creatures to enter your house.)  Good neighbors are considerate neighbors.  If the Walker’s Cay Homeowners Association can be of help by recommending landscapers or cleanup crews just let us know.  We will do what we can to help you.  In the mean time stay safe and have fun.


Thinking about saving some money this year?

The average family spends about $164 on groceries each week.  Save 20% ($32.80) each week and over the course of the year you’ll save $1705.60 (don’t forget the 60 cents)  How to save tips:  Plan meals for the week, shop from a list, use coupons and discount offers only on items you normally use, think about smaller portions (this good for the waist line also.)  On average Florida residents drive 175 miles a week (this disallows for long commutes or family vacations.) Over the year this adds up to 9100 miles. Don’t drive at all one day a week, this comes to 1300 miles. If your car gets 20 miles to the gallon this adds up to $243.75 a year in savings if gas is figured at $3.75 per gallon.


What’s in a name?

According to the book The Hidden Truth of Your Name your first name says a lot about you.  For instance Sue, Susan, Suzanne and Susanna indicate an enterprising and forward-moving woman.  Sue finds it difficult to feel complacent about life.  This is an active person, one who refuses to inhibit her own urges for success.  This is a person who staunchly comes to people’s defense.  Edward is highly individualistic, with a strong need to create his world relative to some inner plan.  The name also bestows acute powers of observation, giving Edward well-developed intuition about people and and life situations.


Look for more names in future issues of WALKER’S WORD.

Worth Repeating

.The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.  There is no event greater in life than the appearance of new persons about our hearth, except it be the progress of the character which draws them.  Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

.Home is the place where, when you have to go there, They have to take you in. Robert Frost (1874-1963)

.A friend is a second self. Aristotle (384-322 BC)