The word is out!

August 2008 By Linda Sandelman

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We hope you have been enjoying our new website walkerscayha.com. If you haven’t logged on yet please give it a try. We have pictures from our summer party, invitations to join some clubs and all the basic information you need about Walker’s Cay. Be sure you up date your profile to include your correct phone numbers, email address and spelling of your name if necessary. If you need help please contact me.  You are welcome to submit letters, observations, comments or recommendations. Please just include your name and address with all correspondence. Our new address is: Walker’s Cay Homeowners Association 7491 N. Federal Highway Ste. C5 #172 Boca Raton, FL 33487-1625 We want this to be your newsletter so please tell us what you like and what we can do to make WALKER’S WORD better.  If you are interested in writing a column for the word or if you have a supplier who would like to advertise on our website please contact me.  Here are the rules for submitting a supplier.  You must have used the service, firm or restaurant personally. The company recommended must offer a special “something” for our residents (free wine with dinner, a discount, etc.) and any service firm should be licensed, insured and bonded. Please email me with name of company/restaurant, their address, phone and email, their offer and any comments you would like to make about them.



If you missed the June 2008 summer party you missed a terrific evening. Richard Bernstein, our web master explained and demonstrated the website and those attending had a chance to obtain their personal pass word. Everyone at the party had his or her picture done by an artist as a souvenir of the evening. The party was held at Carlo of Boca a new Italian restaurant in the Publix shopping center, and we’ve been told that the food was delicious. Please keep checking Events on the web site to see future activities that we are planning. The date for ordering discount tickets to Sunset Productions FAU programs has past. We hope you took advantage of the $20.00 per couple savings, and that we’ll see at the theater in the fall.


Meet our historian Jeanne Gifford. Jeanne lives on N.E. Spanish Trail Court and is the only original owner left in Walkers Cay. She worked for Woodcraft Industries, the developers of Walkers Cay. Jeanne has invited us to call her if you’d like a brief history of your house or if you have other real estate needs.
For our fishing enthusiasts – Jeff Flit caught a 62 pound Wahoo and Bob Rollins brought home 20 Mahi-Mahi Dolphins. Both these fishing experts live on Nafa Drive – Maybe there’s something magical about that street.
Peggy and Frank Castronovo took their beautiful boat on a sea worthy vacation to the Abacos and we look forward to hearing all about it.
Have you met our new neighbors?
Philip F. and Valerie A. Storey on Mullberry, Daniel Goldman on Orchid Bay, and Daniel and Sally Feldman on Nafa Dr.




Our bug lady Robin, from PestOff has given us some “green tips” to deal with those pesky critters: By the way Robin Ritchie who owns Pest Off, Inc. has made an offer to Walkers Cay residents. She will give a discount on the initial service and if you sign up for a year she will charge you for 11 and give you 12 monthly services. Pestoff is licensed and insured. Thank you Robin.

Ants don’t like peppermint – grind up candy and sprinkle around. Fire ant’s love grits. Give them some, they’ll eat um, expand in size and die.
Orange peel or any citrus fruit peels keep ants away. Chili peppers are good to keep 4 legged critters away.
Any powder acts as a desiccant for ants. It just dries them up. Orange peels keep cats away.
Vinegar is good for weeds Dogs don’t like garlic
A cockroach makes love one time and she is pregnant for life. Beer will do in snails and slugs. What a waste of beer.
Paint the eave of your house light blue and wasps/hornets won’t make their nest there.  




What’s in a name?

According to the book The Hidden Truth of Your Name your first name says a lot about you. For instance the name Jane. Kindness and understanding characterize the name Jane. This is a woman who takes other peoples problems to heart. She is genuinely concerned about their welfare and will do everything she can to help. She is oriented toward a long lasting relationship, and makes a very dedicated partner and parent. Daniel is a man with a well-developed sensitivity to others. He has an eager mind and is willing to learn and to acquire knowledge that can be put to practical use. He is patient and kind by nature, and is always ready to listen to those who can benefit from his advice and sympathy.

Look for more names in future issues of WALKER’S WORD.

Worth Repeating

.We can live without our friends but not without our neighbors.         Thomas Fuller
.When your neighbor’s house is a fire your own property is at stake.   Horace
.A true friend is one who dislikes the same people that you dislike.     Anonymous
.There are three friends: an old wife, an old dog, and ready money.   Franklin