The word is out!

September 2008 By Linda Sandelman

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Glad to see you back at the website. Hope you are enjoying the convenience of just logging on and getting the Walker’s Cay News. Be sure you up date your profile to include your correct phone numbers, email address and spelling of your name if necessary. If you would like to share a story or write a column for WALKER’S WORD please contact me.  You are welcome to submit letters, observations, comments or recommendations as long as you include your name and address with all correspondence to the address at the bottom of this page.



If you were here in early June and July you know that about 50 homes lost electrical power for several hours on three separate occasions. Our wonderful Vice President/Director, Bill Gearhiser took the bull by the horns and contacted FPL and reports as follows: “I’m pleased to announce that I finally got a response from a cognizant manager in FPL about why we had the recent long power outages. Bottom line is, two bad underground cables. One has already been fixed, and they are going to send postcards shortly to announce an outage to fix the second one. The manager feels confident that this will be a huge improvement over what we had previously. There was no mention of any repairs requiring that we pony up money.” Regards Bill G.



Ron & Mickey Sklar took a trip to South Africa this summer. It’s a beautiful place and we’d love to hear about it and perhaps see some pictures.
Jeanne Gifford tells us she has some wonderful cookbooks from FAU. If you’re interested give her a call.
Jim Saturday used to be a sports writer and currently edits a Spripts paper in Stuart.
Cindy Bernstein is an artist and makes not only beautiful jewelry but one-of-a-kind handbags as well. Her creative designs are based on the signs of the zodiac and represent the owner’s personality. What a talent.
Peggy Castronovo tells us Officer Michelle Macy is the newly appointed crime prevention officer for our community. Officer Macy would be willing to talk to us on how to minimize and reduce crime as well as providing tips for improving the security of our homes. Are you interested? Please let me know



Consumer Reports Home Improvement Guide Helps us find out if our pipes are secretly leaking. Hidden leaky pipes can drip for months before water seeps through surfaces and makes you aware of the problem. Avoid costly repairs by identifying pipe leaks early. Take the following steps every six months:

1. Turn off all faucets, hoses and outdoor sprinklers.  Do not flush toilets for one hour.

2. Write down the water meter reading.  If the flow indicator – the triangular or diamond shaped rotating button is spinning or the meter reading has changed while no water is being used, a leaking pipe may exist.  Call a qualified contractor for assistance


The purpose of our committee is to develop a slate of candidates for the community to vote on.  Additionally we will determine the procedures for the election (hopefully without the problems Florida has) and inform the residents.  You’ll be hearing from us soon. Just Click on Documents to update your reference.


Committee members: Jane Stein, Cindy Bernstein, Jeannie Gifford, Bill Salim, Nancy Carson.


What’s in a name?


According to the book The Hidden Truth of Your Name your first name says a lot about you. For instance the name Marlene. Not one in love with rules and regulations, Marlene is decidedly a free spirit. She is hungry for life’s many journeys. What is not offered at home, she will create, and her travel agent can be one of her best friends.
Stuart is a name that bestows the potential for a very broad capacity to love. Stuart is a compassionate man, a person who can relate to everyone’s feelings. People are easily inspired by his words and deeds.


Look for more names in future issues of WALKER’S WORD.

Worth Repeating

.Men learn while they teach. Seneca
.A life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things.
.Life is a jig saw puzzle with most of the pieces missing.
.A politician thinks of the next election; a statesman, of the next generation.