The word is out!

April/May 2009 By Linda Sandelman

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Glad to see you back at the website. Hope you are enjoying the convenience of just logging on and getting the Walker’s Cay News. Be sure you up date your profile to include your correct phone numbers, email address and spelling of your name if necessary. If you would like to share a story or write a column for WALKER’S WORD please contact me.  You are welcome to submit letters, observations, comments or recommendations as long as you include your name and address with all correspondence to the address at the bottom of this page.



Our annual meeting was held on February 19, 2009 at the the Holiday on Highland Beach.  We had a good turnout and lively discussion on many issues. Please read the minutes on our web site or those included with the newsletter mailing.
We have two new neighbors: Elena Kallaur who purchased her home from Ron Smith and Rosalie & Frank Castellana who bought their home from Angela and Jeff Flit.
Within the last year six homes have sold in Walkers Cay all in the seven figures and none as short sales or foreclosures.  Maybe things are looking up.



Please join us for our After Dinner Social Wednesday May 13th from 7:00pm to 10:00pm.  We’ll have an after dinner drink, coffee tea, selection of irresistible deserts (some are sugar free) and some shared conversations with our neighbors. Where at Bob and Linda's 7634 Spanish Trail Court (8th Court).
We would like to start a
Monthly Roundtable where Walkers Cay residents can meet and discuss timely topics and voice their opinions.  Any topic is fair game and all ideas and thoughts are welcome.  We would start with a small group, (no more than eight), and see how it goes.  If you are interested please call:  Bob Sandelman at 561 994-9606



You have all received your dues notice. They are $50.00 for the year 2009. Thank you for your quick response.  For those of you that have misplaced your notice please contact any Board member for a replacement of the invoice.  Next year’s dues will be $100.00.


Interesting Insults

These came over the internet from a friend – they are funny and notice no 4 letter words.

.He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire. - Winston Churchill

.A modest little person with much to be modest about. – Winston Churchill

.He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends. – Oscar Wilde

.He can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I know. – Abraham Lincoln

.He has the attention span of a lightning bolt. – Robert Redford