The word is out!

August/September 2009 By Linda Sandelman

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Glad to see you back at the website. Hope you are enjoying the convenience of just logging on and getting the Walker’s Cay News. Be sure you up date your profile to include your correct phone numbers, email address and spelling of your name if necessary. Well hear we are with the Fall season upon us. First some good news. In April we advised the community that we were going to have our homes inspected for violations. Using our law firm as a go between, we contacted an inspector and have had the neighborhood swept for violations several times. The inspector noted that some homes appear not to as “well kept” as other homes, however, all our homes are currently in compliance with the City’s Codes for residential properties. Thank you all. We will continue with regular sweeps of Walkers Cay to be sure we maintain or better our current status. If you would like to share a story or write a column for WALKER’S WORD please contact me.  You are welcome to submit letters, observations, comments or recommendations as long as you include your name and address with all correspondence to the address at the bottom of this page.



We have some new neighbors. Grant Mayer has moved into a home on NE Spanish Trail Court. We also understand that Jack & Marcia Barnes will be moving in to the Butler house with a closing scheduled for September. We should also welcome Gary Holland to NE Mulberry Drive.  Speaking of new neighbors – Please let the Walkers Cay Home Owners Association know if you are selling your home and who the listing agent is. If you are leasing your home let us know the name(s) of your tenants and the term of their lease.  This will help to identify who should be on your property and to properly great new neighbors.  Our July 14th Summer Sandwich Supper event enjoyed a wonderful turn out. About 20 residents feasted on a variety of sandwiches and lemonade, met some new neighbors and seemed to have a nice time. Look for coming events in October.



Did you know that Marina One is introducing The Yacht Club a private membership boating program which allows you to use their boats instead of owning your own. If interested check out the details 954.596.0001 or 954.421.4628. Marina One is located at 580 N Federal Highway Deerfield Brach. http://WWW.MARINAONE.COM

With the storm season here. Please be sure your boats are securely tied-up and that you have a plan to handle your boat should we have hurricane warnings. Also… check your docking space to be sure your boating is not infringing on your neighbors dockage area.

Would anyone like to organize a boating event? Please let us know and we will publicize it in the newsletter and on our web site.



If you haven’t been to the Delray Beach Playhouse on Lake Ida in Delray Beach you are missing a great treat. The theater offers five plays during season (usually October thru June) that feature comedy and/or music, sometimes a mystery sometimes a great classic like A Few Good Men. In addition the Playhouse has a program of “Musical Memories” featuring the music from the Broadway theater with a group of terrific singers and commentary about the composer and music by Randy DelLago. Plus – they have a great New Year’s Eve program and a children’s acting program. For more information call 561.272.1281 or visit 950 NW 9th Street, Delray Beach FL 33444.

Since we are talking about theater, you should also know about the wonderful Caldwell Theater Company just up the road from us. Their season usually has four plays, this year they include: The Voysey Inheritance, Chemical Imbalance A Jekyll and Hyde Play, The Whipping Man and Collected Stories. For more information call 561.241.7432 or visit 7901 N. Federal Highway Boca Raton FL 33487


Interesting Insults

These came over the internet from a friend – they are funny and notice no 4 letter words.
.His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork. Mae West
.Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go. Oscar Wilde.
.He has Van Gogh’s ear for music. Billy Wilder
.I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn’t it. Goucho Marx
.He had delusions of adequacy. Walter Kerr+ him. Forrest Tucker